
If you have been referred to hospital and are waiting to be seen as an outpatient or inpatient, and your symptoms deteriorate you need to contact the hospital you have been referred to for a specialist to review your referral letter and changing symptoms their contact details are below:

- UHL Booking Centre: 0300 303 1573
- Radiology/Imaging Services (for US/CT/MRI/DEXA etc): 0116 258 8765
- 2ww: 0116 250 2543
- Melton Hospital: 01664 854800
- Nottingham University Hospitals: 0115 924 9924

NHS My Planned care digital platform:

Anyone waiting for a hospital appointment, operation or treatment, can now access the NHS My Planned Care Patient Digital Platform which gives them direct access to the latest average wait time information for their trust, as well as helpful advice and support whilst they wait.

Updated weekly, the site is easy-to-use and is ‘open-access’ so their carer, friends, relatives, and can NHS team can also access this information.

Find out about referrals on the My Planned Care website.

Date published: 11th September, 2023
Date last updated: 27th June, 2024