The MSK app has been developed to offer support and guidance on how to manage a Musculoskeletal (MSK) condition or injury. This can relate to any injury, disease or problem with muscles, bones or joints.
A broad term covering common injuries such as sprained ankle and stiff neck through to conditions such as arthritis.
MSK problems are very common. Symptoms can include pain, stiffness swelling, muscle weakness, numbness or pins and needles. They can bother you at home, at work, or through activities and sport. There are over 400 medical conditions that can affect bones, muscles and joints. Getting quick access to good information helps people with muscle, back and joint problems get back to normal quicker.
Clinical guidance and exercise videos can be of benefit to anyone with an MSK condition/injury. However, this app is aimed primarily for use by patients registered with a GP practice in Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland, as guidance is dovetailed with reference to local services and links.
You can download the App on the Google Play or Apple App Store